Monday, December 1, 2014

The Travels of Sojourner The Mars Rover

The Travels of Sojourner the Mars Rover

The Planet Mars. (4)

          Sojourner the Mars Rover was the first robot to ever land on the planet Mars. He was a robot who had six wheels and a tiny body about the size of a remote control car. He had a camera attached to his body and received energy from the sun through a panel attached to his back. Sojourner was a special robot because he had been where no human or robot had ever been before. He was rolling through the surface of Mars! But Sojourner just didn’t go to Mars for the fun of it. He had a job to do and a lot of responsibility on his robotic shoulders. He had to explore and investigate the unknown and dangerous surface of Mars.
Sojourner the Rover (Clip Art)

        Sojourner’s job was to take pictures of this red desert-like land and send them back to scientists on earth. It was a very risky job for Sojourner to travel the rocky deserts of Mars, and Sojourner was all alone. He had no other rover friends to help him explore.
       Sojourner had spent years exploring until one day he saw in the distance what looked like two more rovers. Sojourner excitedly wheeled towards these two rovers and introduced himself.
          “Hi, my name is Sojourner” he said.
          “Hello! My name is Spirit” said the one rover, “And I’m Opportunity” said the other.

Spirit and Opportunity (Clip Art)
          Sojourner noticed that Spirit and Opportunity were much bigger than he was and had a lot more tools attached to their bodies. They had bigger cameras, bigger solar panels attached to their backs, tools to dig through the ground, and drills to drill through rocks (5). They were supposed to look and dig for water as well as take more picture of the surface of mars (5). What Sojourner also noticed was that these two rovers were exactly the same, almost like they were twins.
           Although Sojourner had new friends, they didn’t stay long. Spirit and Opportunity had bigger missions to accomplish and were headed to the polar ice caps of Mars to look for water (3). Sadly, Sojourner was again alone and without a companion.
         Many years passed and Sojourner had completed all the missions that the scientist asked of him. While wondering around the red planet one day, Sojourner saw in the distance a massive rover digging through the dirt and drilling through rock. This rover was almost the size of the car and had a robotic arm attached to its body along with digging and drilling tools (5). He was a state of the art rover equipped with all sorts of advanced technology Even though Sojourner was intimidated by this huge rover he gathered the courage to introduce himself.
       “Hello my name is Sojourner
       “Hi. I’m Curiosity! You’ve been here for a long time haven’t you? Have you seen any aliens? I’m supposed to be looking for intelligent life here on Mars.”
        “Well I haven’t seen any green men walking around here and I’ve been here for years. But if you dig through the dirt you might find smaller aliens. They may not be green and they’re probably microscopic”
Curiosity the Biggest Rover (1)

          When Curiosity heard this news he seemed to be disappointed. He was expecting to see big green aliens on the planet but now all he could hope to find were tiny organisms in the soil. Sojourner, being an experienced traveler of Mars, offered to guide Curiosity through the rocky terrain. Curiosity, who was very happy to have some company took Sojourner along with him to help him complete his mission. Sojourner finally had a companion to travel with on the barren and deserted planet. He was no longer alone.
Curiosity (2)
 Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity still rove around the surface of Mars today looking for signs of life, searching for water, taking pictures, and digging through soil. These robots may be far away on a distant planet, but the work they do is still very important. Who knows, maybe one day these rovers will find big green aliens on the planet Mars! 


 1. Curiosity the Biggest Rover [Online Image]. (2014). Retrieved from
2.Curiosity [Online Image]. Retrieved from  
  3.Grotzinger, J. (2013). Field trip on mars: Curiosity, the mars rover, is the next best thing to being there. National Geographic, 28. Retrieved from fc5091a92e3a%40sessionmgr111&hid=126&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.336843582

 4.The Planet Mars [Online Image]. Retrieved from;_ylt=A0LEVvBAPH1UdDUABwQPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-Elex-elex_v9&sz=all&va=mars+clip+art&hspart=Elex&hsimp=yhs-elex_v9

5. Wright, A. (2013). Revving the Rover. Communications Of The ACM, 56, 14-16. doi:10.1145/2408776.2408782 


  1. Dan I thought your blog was very interesting. If you were targeting a kid who is still in elementary school then I think your blog definitely shows that. I like the use of color and multiple pictures in your blog. The separation of text would keep a kid interested in reading more in my own opinion. I would suggest to revise a little more as I notice a few grammar mistakes and repetitiveness in some of your sentence. Over all I think you did very well on the assignment because you were able to target a young audience and from what I notice you did not plagiarize anything as you were still able to use the correct citation to deliver your message.

  2. Your blog was well written and was an interesting story about a non-fictional event that you were able to turn into a fictional story for a younger audience. I think the larger text, colors, and pictures, were a nice choice as they capture the eye and draw you in to read more. I think an elementary level audience was reached, and you were able to deliver your topic nicely. Your grammar and mechanics throughout seem to be correct, and your citations seem to be in APA.

  3. There's some formatting issues that happened when I changed this during class
