Monday, December 1, 2014


Figure 1: This car saves the Earth every day!
    America’s automotive industry has changed very much from thousands of years ago until now. The
form of transportation use to consist of walking and a horse and buggy until the first car came along. Automotive, automobile, and vehicle simply means the cars that are being driven on the roads everyday. The first vehicle was made in the late 1600’s. Cars have come such a long way, from being just a gasoline powered engine to a gasoline and electric engine. An engine is what powers the vehicle which allows it to perform and make the car run. Technology has become so advanced and modified over the years, and it has made all of the transformations possible from computers to cellphones to hybrid cars. With a hybrid car, the environment can be more safe and eco friendly. Car makers started to think of new ways a better engine could consist of and they came up with the electric and gasoline engine. 
        The first hybrid vehicle was built in 1839, by Robert Anderson (Berman, 2011). Hybrid cars are known to be more safe because they do not give off nearly as much pollution as just a gasoline powered car does. Pollution is very harmful to the environment, so if it is not taken care of early, serious problems can occur. Since hybrid cars are safe, they are beneficial into keeping our world a cleaner and healthier place to live. Also, with owning a hybrid vehicle, it saves the driver a lot of money. Even though these kind of vehicles cost a little bit more money up front, with having the ability to run on electric as well, it saves a lot of money. 

This car is powered by batteries that are rechargeable!
 For years to come, technology will just going to keep getting better and better, and cars are going to eventually be gas free and will all be eco friendly. Vehicles are already halfway there, since some of them already consist of half gas and half electric. For the future, everyone wants to live in a healthy and pollution free environment, so with that being said gasoline free vehicles is a big help with all of this. Also, saving money in the long run really helps people out. I think that that since young children are being taught today about new advances in technology they will continue to make all the best options possible to have a healthy environment. They will come up with an even better way to have no more gasoline powered engines so save the environment.

 Figure 1: Seymour, Deb. (2014) Deb Goes Green (Photograph) Retrieved from
Figure 2: Ditzhazy, A.C (2011) Innovative Battery Technology Fuels Electric Cars Quickly (Photograph) Retrieved from 

Source 3: Berman, Brad (2011) . Hybrid Cars . Retrieved from


  1. The blog is good. Like the colors that are used. Good explanation of the topic. Good topic for an older age group.

  2. fix up opening sentence to clear it up
    few spelling and grammer errors easy fixes
    a little too much color for my eyes
    kid friendly and informative
