Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mommy, Where Do Babies Come From?

Mommy, Where Do Babies Come From?

Hi my name is Johnny. I am a 6th grade student at Cornwells Elementary School in Bensalem, Pa. Today in school I had one of my first health science classes of my 6th grade year. In class my teacher began to tell us that we will be starting our curriculum about sexual education. He began by asking everyone about the human anatomy such as the vagina and penis and if we knew their main purpose. As everyone was hesitant to answer, he told us that they’re our reproductive organs and allow us to have babies.

Male and Female Reproductive organs (2)

            After class that day I went home to my mom and asked her “Mommy, where did I come from, how was I made?” In that moment she told me that I was a special baby and was made in a different way than most babies are. She told me that most babies are made during sex when one of the male’s sperm mixes with a woman’s egg.  I asked her “What do you mean special?” She said “Well mommy wasn’t able to get pregnant on her own so she and daddy needed help from the doctor through a special procedure called In-vitro fertilization."

I asked “what is that?” She sat me down and explained it all to me. She said that when she went to the doctor’s office the doctor took an egg from her ovaries which is in her vagina and one of dad’s sperm cells that comes from the penis and put them together in a test-tube like the ones we have in science class (1).

The Process of In-vitro Fertilization (3)

When the doctor puts these two together in a test-tube they link together to form an embryo which is the first stage of a babys life. When the embryo is formed she said the doctor then takes it and puts it back into mommy’s body into her uterus where the baby will grow just like all other babies do (1). She explained to me that sometimes people need help when they want to have a baby but it doesn’t mean that they’re any different from any other baby that is made naturally. I'm proud to be an in-vitro baby because that means that I gave my parents a family when they weren't sure if they were able to have one on their own.

1. American Pregnancy Association. (2014). In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Costs, Transfer and More.
           Retrieved from:  http://americanpregnancy.org/infertility/in-vitro-fertilization/
2. Young and Mature Male and Female Reproductive Systems. (2014)  Retrieved December 1, 2014, from:
3. John M. (2010) Process of In-vitro fertilization, Retrieved December 1, 2014, from:


  1. Looks good. You might want to cite the photos you used at the end of the paper.

  2. Loved the use of color in the essay. The use of pink indicated female organs and blue indicated male parts/involvement. Younger kids would learn the words better since they can put the colored words into a concept. Pictures were appropriate and language was child-like level. Overall, I loved it! I am not positive but I think the title of "In Vitro Fertilization" in the references section should be italicized.
