Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Being A Zookeeper

          Hi there kids, I’m Irene I work here at the zoo(1). I hope you can help me here at the zoo. We’re going to go talk about and take care of some important friends of mine. There are some animals here that are very healthy, and some that are not doing so well out in their homes, also some animals that don’t live here on Earth animal.
 The first couple of stops we’re going to make are the animals that are doing great in their homes. The first animal we’re going to take care of is the American Alligator (2), these guys have been around for a very long time. They live in swaps and they like warm weather.
Let’s move onto the National bird, do you guys know what that bird is? Your right it’s the American bald eagle. These guys weren’t doing too well in their homes but we took care of them and now they are all over the United States. They are the best kinds of birds to have around the area. Why they were on the list the first time is because they couldn’t lay eggs without having them break when they would sit on the eggs to keep them warm so they could have baby birds.

 Ok zoo keepers lets go to the do you know what an animal called when they are on the endangered list. This means that the animals are not doing too well in their homes. We are going to go see some of these animals. The animal that we are going to see is a black footed ferrite (3). This little guy is on the endangered list so we are helping him get better so we don’t lose him and his friends. Want to go see some other areas in the zoo? Great come on we are going to go see what the scientists are doing.
The scientist that are here in the zoo to look at some animal bones. These animal bones are so we can see what animal this was before it left the earth. And when they find out bones they are we see where this animal lived and what the place was like. We don’t want any more animals to leave the earth from something bad happening to them. The animal that the scientist are looking at looks like a fish (4).
Well this looks like the end of our fun time together. I hope you learned a lot about our animals. We need to take care of these animals that are here on earth. The ways that we can help is to take care of the earth. You guys were great zoo keepers today. Thank you for coming to the zoo.
Work cited
1). http://www.preschool-plan-it.com/zoo-theme.html
3).   http://gifts.worldwildlife.org/gift-center/gifts/Species-Adoptions/Black-footed-Ferret.aspx


  1. 1. You have the same picture up twice.
    2.References on then picture need to be seen better as in what source goes to what picture.
    3.did a good job on making the blog simple and readable for young readers.
    4.try to make the blog more "kidish"
    5.Citations are done in correctly, look on perdue owl to help

  2. the pictures are out of order in the paper.
    good use of images.
    few spelling errors read over and it will be an easy fix.
    good Intro and ending
    kid friendly
