Thursday, September 11, 2014

Nurse Ortiz


Pembroke road, where my cousin was
born and raised
“Poverty Is Not A Hindrance To Success” is what eighteen year old Humberto Ortiz heard on the radio as he walked down the poor, filthy streets of Pembroke, Bethlehem. This is where Humberto lived his entire life until he graduated from high school. During this time he utilized every opportunity he could throughout these four years including studying every day and playing baseball in his free time. Although his academic marks did not reflect his true potential, his motivation and ambition drove him to change his life in school and his surroundings. The poverty that surrounded him was at its peak during the early 2000’s in South Side Bethlehem in a borough Humberto lived in. Growing up without a father, his mother provided support for two parents which contributed to Humberto's motivation to earn a high GPA and 2200 SAT score.  At a young age, his 10 siblings, including him learned the value of hard work and the importance of self dependence. Humberto had the positive mind set to get out of his hometown and become someone important in life. He had such a strong desire to help his family out of the projects and live a more stable life. His goals consisted of becoming a Nurse anesthetist, and to pursue that education at Columbia University. 

Ranked Top 20 University In The World

After being accepted, the University gave him a full scholarship, including most of his academics and some partial financial aid. Throughout college, he was told many times by professors and peers that he wouldn't make it but this only pushed him to try harder. With Columbia being one of the top medical schools, Humberto wanted to prove he could succeed among the best. He had such a motivational drive of just excelling through the hurdles of work he faced in college and all the people who doubted him along the way. After five stressful years of schooling, he graduated from Columbia University with a 3.98 GPA and a degree in Registered Nursing and was ready to obtain his graduate degree in anesthesia. 

From growing up in the small city of Bethlehem, he yearned for adventure and new experiences. The University of Central Florida was the perfect place for him to continue his education and live freely. During his two years in Florida, Humberto had various opportunities that allowed him to work and get away from his studies, but still made him strive for what he wanted. After two harsh years of grad school, he graduated with a degree in Anesthesia. As soon as he achieved this milestone, he made his way back to Pennsylvania and began his practice of being a Nurse Anesthetist. As a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist), his daily work routine consists of monitoring and comforting every patient. As part of his daily routine, he is required to dress in professional attire underneath his scrubs. Being used to hand-me-downs and thrifting, this new attire was an enormous change for him. 

He is normally in the operating room helping the Anesthesiologist conduct the anesthesia right before the doctors do their part in the surgery. His job is to monitor, place the tubes and air paths needed for any surgeries followed by prepping the table with the right amount of anesthesia for the patient. Luckily, as a CRNA you have apt down time because of the wait of the surgery. Once the surgery is finished,
Nurse anesthetists performing surgery
Humberto goes back and assists the Doctor with his/her remaining needs. After work, he can proudly return home to his beloved wife, Monica and two beautiful daughters Mariya and Sofia. Returning home after a hard day of work is an enjoyment for him because he would always think back to when he was a little kid. Home wasn't always the warmest place, so for him to return home to a loving family is a great joy for him. When he was younger, financial issues prevented him from having a stable home life, so having a permanent home to provide for his family was his biggest accomplishment.  He is reminded everyday of how far he has come in his life, and realizes how everything that he has gone through influenced his current success. A lot of people along the way doubted him, but it is truly inspiring to see and hear the motivation Humberto had and continues to demonstrate in order to achieve his current accomplishments.

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