Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"Feeling Hungry? Eat a Snickers."

“Striving for perfection every day is one of our fundamental goals here at M&M Mars” proclaims Mike Pursall, the head of sales support in Hackettstown, New Jersey. Mike’s been working for M&M Mars for nearly 13 years now, and he’s followed that goal every day since he’s been a part of the company. Mike a college graduate from Rutgers University, was hired back in 2001 as a financial consultant. Since then, he’s worked his way up and now sits as the head of sales support for the largest confectionery company in the world. Mike remarked, “I feel like a little kid who got the keys to toy store or something like that – but instead of being a little kid, I’m a grown man who’s one of the heads for the biggest candy company”!               
Founded back in 1920 by Frank C. Mars, M&M Mars a division of Mars, Incorporated is the largest confectionery company in the world today and one of the largest private and family owned companies. Currently, the third largest candy company in the US behind only Hershey and Nestle, Mars is known for a plethora of products. Most commonly known for “M&M’s”, Mars also produces products such as Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Skittles, Starbursts, Life Savers, Juicy Fruit, Eclipse and many more. These products are what helped propel this confectionery giant to the forefront of the world, and are what help to maintain its company’s steady growth. Growing at annual rate close to 2%, the Mars candy division employs over 17,000 employees in 21 countries. Headquartered out of Hackettstown, New Jersey this company serves as an inspiration to entrepreneurs and competitors alike. 
The front doors to "M&M" Mars, Chocolates
When you first arrive at M&M Mars located on 800 High Street, you notice the immense M&M statuette characters who welcome you with open arms into the building. You first walk in through large, heavy glass doors, and you’re instantaneously blasted with an aroma of sweet milk chocolate. The sensation is so overwhelming and intoxicating it makes you crave chocolate and brings back memories of all the times you’ve had the sweet, deliciousness. The black marbled floors, glisten and shine so much you can make out your own reflection within them. At the head of the front lobby and reception desk reads “Mars Chocolate North America” which signifies this being the global headquarters for their candy division. Immediately to your right of the lobby, down a small staircase there lies large glass walls which allow you to peer into part of the factory located there. This factory produces M&M’s and other chocolates used for a variety of different products that will be eaten and distributed throughout the world. 
Following suit to the small staircase to catch a glimpse inside of what goes on inside the factory you arrive upon four elevators that transport you to the upper levels where management and different business sect’s work. Taking the elevator here is a pleasant surprise, instead of the often tacky and outdated elevator tunes that generally play, you’re greeted by the sound of pleasant and upbeat music. Something the company uses to help support the overall moral and attitudes of employees. When you exit the elevator, depending upon which floor you get off at, you may be somewhat surprised by the layout. Each floor is constructed and set up differently for the different business sect’s such as marketing, finance, or sales. They all have their own dedicated floors to keep everyone coherent. In the center of each floor, there is a buffet of every candy that the company produces open to be consumed by all employees, at whatever time of the day.                     
Mike Pursall, being the head of sales, is located on the top floor, in a large, luxury office suite. When he sits behind his large cherry oak desk, one can only get the feeling he is all about business. He looks more like a NFL player than one of the top executives at a fortune 500 company. Mike stands nearly 6’4” and weighs close to 300 lbs, he’s made out of muscle and from the way he stands practically anybody would be intimated. His bald head glistens under the ceiling spotlight, giving his head and neck a pinkish hue and his booming voice echoes throughout the room. Although he may seem like a brute, Mike’s all brains when it comes to business. From the way he conducts himself with clients, fellow employees, and visitors, you can see he is a true professional and extremely business savvy. Being fortunate enough to sit down with Mike, you can really get an inside look at the company and the professional world of employees and employers alike. The company has five principles that they conduct themselves by, and Mike personally shared how he lives by a few of them. They are: Quality, Responsibility, Mutuality, Efficiency, and Freedom.                                   
“Living by these principles and using them in my everyday life has been something I’ve grown accustomed to” explains Mike, “They are a fundamental part sustaining a successful life and business”. He went on to explain some of the principles to me, and how he tries to live them out. He started off each by giving his own definition of the words.                              
The signature M&M characters.
“Quality, is knowing that the consumer was satisfied, and felt that we did everything we could to make their experience the best it could be.” Mike says he lives out the virtue of quality by applying it outside of the office. “Having a quality product is what we strive for at Mars, and it makes me want quality in my life. This is why I believe quality and efficiency go hand in hand. If you put forth 110% you will get a quality product. Efficiency is always putting forth your best effort and never wasting any energy or time on unimportant or unnecessary matters. Hard work always pays off and I can tell you that first hand.” He recalled upon spending time and playing with his nephew. He said it’s not always about necessarily spending lots of time with someone, but rather spending quality time with them, that leaves long and lasting memories. Mike went on then explain that he not only puts forth his best effort in the office, but also at home, whether its cutting the grass or fixing the leaky sink, Mike puts forth 110%. Efficiency leads to quality. All in all, it shows that M&M Mars and Mike personally are both “striving for perfection every day”.












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