Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Getting Started



           Just like most college students Bill Scully didn’t really have any idea of what he was going to do or where he was headed in life. He started off at Keane University where he was on the wrestling team, but his college experience didn’t last long. “I went to school to wrestle which was stupid and one of the biggest mistakes of my life” he said. The 5 foot 5 inch brute 19 year soon failed out of college. He soon started to drive trucks and deliver beer just as a job to pass the time. “I would wake up at 5am and start driving, making deliveries, carrying around packages and delivering kegs to people”. He soon realized who he would be working with he didn’t want to become one of them. The workers were all sloppy with grease stains and baggy clothes, most of them have been working there for years. Most of the people that work there couldn’t have good  jobs and even some of him were fresh out of jail. This is not the future he wanted or had in mind, Bill didn't want to end up like the other truck drivers. He wanted a better future for himself so he decided to take a stand, Bill saw his last chance at a computer program school. He decided that the greasy workplace of a trucker was not fitting for his liking.

He found his way into a computer programming class 35 students. During the day still worked as a trucker delivering packages but at night he would go to the computer class. Almost all the kids in computer programming class had a college education, except for him. "I knew nothing about computers but I fought my way through the class day by day, I wasn't even interested in computers but it was my last chance" he said. The class slowly dwindled down to just 8 students graduating, he was one of the 8 and the only one without a college degree. Still not out of the water yet he was on the hunt for a job. Soon the short stocky kid had a job at the bottom of the company, slowly working his way up. He could smell a fresh start, finally he was on his own and was making a living." I thought it was funny that a kid without a college education in a class of graduates was more successful than all the other students in the program". He had a new outtake on life, he was now working man. As he took advantage of his second chance he was now a computer programmer in a big-time company. He exchanged his filthy jeans and worn out shirts for a dressed shirt and dress pants. He was always a very hard-working man but never dedicated his time to his education, once he finally got his act together he became a successful man. Nowadays Bill wakes up to a wife and two kids in his own house that he paid for with his own money. "Being a father was the best job I could have asked for, once I got started on my career path I wanted to start a family and that was the best decision I've ever made".
         Bill now walks into the office every day with a smile on his face his blue eyes gleaming and is loved by his coworkers because of his hard-working nature. He still takes that attitude that he had when he was fighting to find a job to the office every day. He's scared to go back and think what his life would've been if he stayed with that delivery job, what would've happened to his wife and his kids and their future.

         As a computer programmer he sits at a desk on his laptop and fixes different problems that occur on daily basis. His job is to make sure everything is up and running the way it should be and if there's any problems it's his job to go on and fix it. "My job isn’t the easiest thing in the world most of the time I'm fixing stupid mistakes that other people made sometimes it takes a whole day to fix them". Sometimes it takes him an hour sometimes it takes a couple weeks to fix some of the issues that's just part of the job.
Bill is a very outgoing man who will cracked a joke or two if you walk past his office and even say hi to every single stranger he sees, he definitely is not afraid to let his presence known. This is just one characteristic that makes Bill such a well-liked person at his workplace he could almost turn anyone's day around in just a heartbeat. He's not all fun and games though, when work needs to be done he'll get it done no questions asked. He's not all work either Bill has a developed a love for the arts over the course of his life, any type of mixed martial arts or jujitsu he's down to try. Bill is always one to try new things and meet new people which makes him like no other. You could always find Bill around town whether it's at the local wrestling match or riding his bike up and down the hills. Well-liked and very active in the community, he seems to know almost everyone in his small hometown.  
              It's almost crazy think that a trucker with ripped up jeans and grease stains on a shirt working with delinquents would end up here, at an office with the dress shirts and ironed black pants with two kids a wife and a place to call his own. Bill is very proud of where he came from and how far he's come, he's not afraid to tell you stories of what used to happen at his old workplace. Now instead of being a young kid that didn't care about education he is now a well-educated man who lectures you about how hard it was for him to get where he was and constantly tells you to work hard to get after your dreams. He seems to tell everyone he sees that the real world is not a joke you have to work to get to where you want to be. Most people don't get second chances in life but if you're lucky enough to get one you better take advantage or the world might pass you by. "Yeah it's not the job I had in mind or how I pictured I would be but I can't complain I took full opportunity of my chances and somehow, someway I got here and I'm blessed to say that". Bill always says "you can't wait for the world to come to you, you have to go out there and get what you want life it doesn't come easy". Bill still to this day does not own a college education but, he still works with people from different countries to people with different degrees and still works with them. Work is not fun and most people never work in a place that they enjoy but, it's still something most people have to do to make a living. Benjamin Franklin once said "the harder I work the luckier I seem to get" if you work hard there's always some place for you.

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