Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Lisa Anne Deuel Cosentine
"How would I describe myself? Smelly, old and fat. But for the purposes of your class, determined, loyal and purposeful." Lisa says with her medium length brown hair and light blue eyes that pop off of her pale freckled face; the way she carries herself with such purpose and determination, shows the kind of woman she is. Lisa is very committed to the things she does whether she enjoys them or not, and the last thing she would ever want to do is let anyone down, or break a single promise. Whether it be an obstacle she has to overcome, her work, or her ambition to succeed in everything.

A few years back things become real for Lisa. She was told she needed to have heart surgery due to a heart ablation. "At first I didn't know how to react, thoughts of how it would effect my family, and my work filled my mind."
"What about your work and family worried you the most"
"Well my family and work coincide because if I can't work it would effect my family." She remarked. "I knew it was going to make things difficult for me, but I was being dramatic, I knew I had to get it over with."

Having the surgery made things very difficult for Lisa, with having to take pills every day, and wearing a heart monitor because it is required for certain times. Her family was very concerned for her and helped her out as much as they possibly could. "I knew my mother and father would be there when I woke up to take me home, I had that to look forward to." Lisa added in. Although it is a bump in the road, Lisa doesn't let it get in the way of her determination or her drive.

"What else would I be if I weren't a super model?" Being as though she a business analyst specializing in documentation, you could see why a sense of humor is needed. "Working on a computer all day long and answering rude phone calls from angry clients all day, it's good to find the humor in what I do." The very small cubicle that only contained a small desk, a spinning chair and a desktop make for a very gloomy place to work. The only sound to be heard were the clicking of keys and the very dim voices of the men and women working around you. The light of the room came from a window that faced the building near by, not the best view but it gives off plenty of natural light which is enough to brighten such a dim corner or work space.

Lisa's title as a Thirty-One director
Lisa also has a side job that includes sales and making profit through parties. This job is called Thirty-One. Thirty-One involves the sale of imprinted or non-imprinted bags. This includes bags such as make up bags, rolling totes, utility totes, etc. This job also includes traveling to places such as Texas for conference meetings. "Traveling is my favorite part of the job, along with all of the different kinds of people I meet." Lisa has a goal that she has to meet to win prizes that include, vacation, money, prizes, things like that. Just last year Lisa won a trip to Punta Cana for being top in her sales. This year she is headed to Cancun to stay at an entirely paid for resort with her husband. "Growing up I was so afraid to talk to people, and now that's all either of my jobs consist of. And amongst any job that I've had, I couldn't be happier that I joined Thirty-One" Lisa has worked through 3 levels of sales to become as successful with Thirty-One as she is, and it can only go up from there.

Now, Lisa didn't grow up wishing she would become a business analyst or a saleswomen, she had other dreams and plans for herself. One of which, being her love of art, she wanted to be an artist. She wanted to be an artist not only because of her talent but because for the very first time her father began to notice her. Living in a house with four brothers and being the only sister, her father's approval was very important to her. Lisa loved to draw anything from nature to animals to the people around her. She attended one year of art school after graduating from high school, but ended up dropping out because of her belief that she was not as good as everyone else. "It was that insecurity that kept me from doing what I loved, although I don't regret giving it up." Lisa remarked. "A lot of good things came out of me going to school for art, I met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot about myself. The main thing I learned was that I was not put on this earth to be an
art major. Also that I did not enjoy trying people naked for an assignment, but that is a whole different topic."

Lisa believes that through commitment and hard work you can accomplish just about anything. She takes what gets in life and embraces it to the fullest whether it be an obstacle she has to overcome, her work, or her ambition to succeed in all that she does. Lisa believes it is important to love what you do and to make the best out of everything life throws at her and so she went on to say "So I guess to answer my own question (what would I be if I wasn't a supermodel?) I guess I would choose this"

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